03 January 2015

One Word V2.0

The other day, I was putting together a post for my word for 2015. I was skimming through the freshly written pages in my journal and noticed a theme. Most of what I had written revolved around the theme of finding the strength I need to achieve my goals (on and off the road, in and out of the gym) so it seemed natural for my word of 2015 to be persist. For me to reach any goal I set for myself, I need to persist and push through all walls, real or imagined that come up. I need to push myself and believe in myself. Because no one else is going to do any of this for me.

But the more time I've spending thinking about it and based on how many times I've written about it, been frustrated by it, it doesn't make sense for that to be my word this year. Maybe next year.

This year my word is trust:
1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. confident expectation of something; hope.

None of what I wrote above will happen if I don't focus on trust.

Trust in myself. Trust in those who care about me. Trust in the support that has been built around me by friends and family.

To believe that I can do anything I set my mind to (this is starting to sound like an after school special), I have to trust that I have what it takes to achieve those goals.

What is your word for 2015?

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